Recruitment services for employers

Grow your business by hiring the right resource in the right place

Our personalized approach allows us to tailor our services to the needs of each employer, creating lasting alliances between talent and companies looking to fill positions in the most authentic and effective way. 

At Kenova, our specialists in recruitment and employer branding ensure that you get the right people, with the skills and motivation, who will make a significant contribution to your success by realizing their full potential with you. 

Submit your job offer and we’ll take care of finding the ideal resource!

Our professional services

Assessment of your needs for an adapted recruitment strategy 

From the first contact, our advisors listen to you from start to finish, making sure to understand your real recruitment challenges while discovering your unique and differentiating aspects as an employer. They can then make recommendations and develop a recruitment strategy fully adapted to your context. 

Strong employer brand recognition within our network of professionals has been a priority for the past 15 years.

Our team knows how to highlight each specific trait of an employer brand that can attract on the market. In addition, our experts follow market trends in accounting and finance on a daily basis and make sure to maintain lasting relationships with the professionals they have met over the years. We use our network strength to make your employer brand better known and shine on the market. 

Sourcing and selection of the best candidates on the market

We know how to identify and adapt to the particular characteristics of your business. Our sourcing methods are ethical and targeted to your needs, giving you access to applicants who might not otherwise be available. 

Targeted screening and selection of candidates in line with your key criteria for a lasting match 

We consider our collaborators’ time to be precious. After several approaches and meetings, we propose only those candidates who correspond to the skills and personality traits sought and who are interested in your opportunity for the right reasons. Our services include reference checks, criminal and credit investigations, personality and skills tests (on request), etc. 

Facilitating every stage of the recruitment process, right up to the integration of your new resource

Our solutions-oriented consulting approach in the context of a labor shortage brings together the best of our expertise and is offered throughout the entire process of working with our partners. Our services are designed to help employers offer attractive employment opportunities, based not only on a competitive salary, but also on a set of distinctive, well-defined characteristics. We plan strategies in advance to minimize the risk of potential rejections, counter-offers and lack of commitment from our candidates 

Permanent or contractual position

Hire the right person for your team

Our recruitment experts organize memorable meetings that allow companies and candidates to flourish, regardless of the type of position available.