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Successfully recharging your batteries – Disconnecting from work

August 14, 2023

A hectic day-to-day life can make it seem as if real, feel-good breaks are hard to come by. Yet it’s precisely these downtime periods that can have the greatest impact. This delicate equation between ACTION and TIME OUT is the key to success for all managers and professionals who want to act and think with tact and strategy!

Take a break to move forward: 7 keys to know


Who will take care of those who take care of others?

For those of you responsible for the well-being and success of your teams: it’s vital to know how to recharge your batteries so you can give back more effectively. By taking full responsibility for finding this personal balance, you’re investing not only in your present, but also in your professional future. This life marathon will even gain strength over time!


Vacations provide an opportunity to detach oneself from routine responsibilities and free one’s head from the weight of everyday life. Simply being in a different context revitalizes the mind and offers a fresh perspective on situations, paving the way for the exploration of innovative strategies. Knowing how to step back regularly leads to winning decisions and actions.


The little voice inside us, whether conscious or not, is a valuable source of truth. In other words, it’s right most of the time: you just have to pay attention! Knowing how to stop also means learning how to listen to yourself and give space to your intuition. When the rational mind remains perplexed, the inspirations that arise in silence become the best allies for strengthening one’s ability to face challenges and seize opportunities with confidence.


Creativity cannot be forced. It takes its place when it has enough space to be expressed. A good book, the discovery of new places or new experiences in a spirit of openness to spontaneity lead to the greatest creative progress, quite useful when we need to think about innovating, changing, or finding new solutions.


If you’re contemplating changes in your team, organization, job, or personal life, you need to have enough energy to manage and adapt to them. By giving yourself a genuine, guilt-free break, you’re laying the groundwork for tackling the big decisions and changes you need to make for the greatest future benefits.

  • What workload will enable me to reach my full potential?
  • What speed of change am I asking my teams to tolerate?
  • Have I found the right balance between encouragement and results?
  • What would I like to do differently for my team?
  • What projects do I want to prioritize over the next few months?
  • Which internal resources will be key to achieving my objectives?
  • Do I need to structure things differently or hire new talent to achieve my goals?
  • What are the key areas that require staff reinforcement or specific skills?
  • When FUN rhymes with PERFORMANCE

Finding your talent zone on a day-to-day basis, while being perfectly aligned with your strengths and values, can sometimes seem utopian. Yet it’s a powerful source of motivation!

Human uniqueness obeys Pareto’s law: by exploiting just 20% of his or her natural talents, an individual can deploy 80% of the energy needed to perform his or her job successfully.

We therefore invite everyone to discover their innate talents: those that are present from birth, which don’t necessarily correspond to acquired skills. Rather, they are those areas of predilection that we cherish, that attract us, motivate us, and provide us with inexhaustible energy. By investing our time in the ongoing development of these specific talents, we’ll stand out professionally in a unique way with lots of added value!

For the rest, it would be wise to seek to entrust these other responsibilities to appropriate people who could handle them while still being in their talent zone…

Discover your own talents:

  • What training or involvement could help me get closer to what I’m passionate about?
  • What are the responsibilities that make my day-to-day life more dynamic?
  • What attracts me that I haven’t yet developed?
  • Where would I like to focus my time in the coming months?

Delegate what requires the most energy from me:

  1. What responsibilities don’t give me any pleasure?
  2. How can I delegate them?
  • Can I promote a team member?
  • Who in the team could be further developed?
  • Should I restructure my team so that every employee is in the right place?
  • Do I need to hire to ensure solid complementarity among team members?

We wish you an excellent vacation, conducive to useful and lasting reflection!

From the Kenova team

Taking care of ourselves is the first step towards realizing our greatest dreams and aspirations.

– Oprah Winfrey

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