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Creativity and hard work: excellent allies!

December 16, 2022

Why is it important to bring creativity to work?

  • To stimulate the spirit of innovation and curiosity
  • To stand out from the competition
  • To solve the problems
  • To achieve excellence
  • To inspire!

Being inspired increases motivation, autonomy and the desire to constantly improve.

Creativity also impacts an organizational culture:

  • It encourages diversity and innovation
  • It increases efficiency and autonomy
  • It stimulates teamwork
  • It energizes a group
  • It challenges the status quo
  • It improves the knowledge and skills of a team

Some tips for expanding your creative abilities in your daily life:

  • Clean up your workspace & add a touch of vibrant color
  • Change your schedule during the week: start earlier on Tuesdays and eat later on Thursdays, for example
  • Get moving! Change locations, if possible: from a standing table to a sitting desk, from a coffee shop near your home to a co-working space in your neighborhood
  • Get out of your comfort zone: listen to podcasts, watch documentaries instead of a TV series, encourage opportunities for playful games, keep up with current events in your field, etc.
  • Take a new route to work or back home
  • Eat right and stay hydrated: the essentials for a healthy, alert brain
  • Open your mind to new ideas, discussions, activities and knowledge

Being creative also implies listening to yourself, taking a step back to better focus, open your horizons and rise as a person.

“The world’s problems cannot be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited to the obvious. We need humans who can imagine what never existed.”

– John F. Kennedy

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